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Весь контент пользователя sherrod833

  1. sherrod833

    JSB Exact Jumbo MONSTER .22 Cal with 25.4 grain

    Let us know how it goes.
  2. sherrod833

    Multishot Mod For Edgun?

    I found this and it looks like a very good design but I cannot figure out how to get one.Does anybody have any information about the manufacturer and if they ship to the US? Its about 10 pictures down http://talks.guns.ru/forummisc/images?forum=165
  3. sherrod833

    Edgun has landed...

    Let us know how it goes because I am trying to get one for mine.
  4. sherrod833

    Edgun has landed...

    I see it now.Is it very effective at reducing the muzzle report?
  5. sherrod833

    JSB Exact Jumbo MONSTER .22 Cal with 25.4 grain

    Still waiting for them to ship to the US.
  6. sherrod833

    Edgun has landed...

    Any pics of your gun with the mod installed?
  7. sherrod833

    Air rifle "Matador": Long bullpup

    Thanks for the information and the link.
  8. sherrod833

    Air rifle "Matador": Long bullpup

    How long is the long barrel version?
  9. sherrod833

    Edgun has landed...

    Thats not too bad.I cant imagine the grouping getting any better than what I am getting now.The accuracy of my edgun is on par with the other high end pcp's that I have owned without adding all the length or weight the others do
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