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Весь контент пользователя ILDE

  1. ILDE

    Help please

    Not yet. Too busy, I am afraid. I will try in a couple of weeks (my first free weekend on next days). Thank you Ed. I will do my best ;) Ilde.
  2. ILDE

    Help please

    Errr! Not really! I was going to ask if any of you were going to come here to Spain on holidays these days!!!!
  3. ILDE

    Help please

    Perfect! Thanks!
  4. ILDE

    Help please

    Hello again, I tried to watch "Matador assembling part 1" video in youtube.com but it seems it is blocked due to the copyright of the background music. Does anybody know where download these videos? Thank you, Ilde.
  5. ILDE

    Help please

    Thank you! I will try to and will post the results here. Thank you to everyone, regards, Ilde.
  6. ILDE

    Help please

    Muchas Gracias. ¿Cual es su función? ¿Es necesario o puedo seguir sin ellos? (parece que el rifle funciona correctamente) Thank you very much. Do you know its function? Do I have to repair it or may I live witouth it? (it seems the rifle works) Ilde
  7. ILDE

    Help please

    OK. I will wait until tomorrow. Thank you again. Ilde.
  8. ILDE

    Help please

    OK. But I cannot find where the ball was. I just found ot inside the wood stock. Any idea where it should be? Thank you again, ilde.
  9. ILDE

    Help please

    Thank you for your answer and dont worry my english is terrible, as I am from Spain. (I though it was better write in my poor english than writting in my null russian). OK, I am posting a photo
  10. ILDE

    Help please

    Hi, this morning I found an small ball & spring opening my matador stock. The gun still works but I wonder if I have to worry about it. Does anybody know what are those for and how can I fix it? Thanks, Ilde.
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