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Весь контент пользователя bebe

  1. bebe

    lelya 593

    I'm very pleased with my new lelya no.593 .22 factory settings are 242m/sec with the 16gr. JSB. Accuracy is very good average 2-3cm at 50m with an occasional "flyer". The only "disadvantage" I'don't like is the 3-4 mm blowback of the bolt, I hope it will disappear, if not I try to find a solution for that written in English.
  2. bebe

    lelya 593

    Yes on the second picture the mounts are installed.
  3. bebe

    lelya 593

    With the higher scope rings the lelya is easier to handle. The factory settings are 241m/sec. with .22 15,9 grain JSB exact.
  4. bebe

    lelya 593

    Thanks the scope is a Kahles 3-9x42mm side focus no 4 reticle with multizero.
  5. bebe

    lelya 593

    Lelya 593 arrived waiting for medium weaver mounts .
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