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Dear ED, I have just sent this email to Maverick: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/Cricket/2df6bb24.jpg Let's see what happens.........
Dear ED, Point taken and I understand where you're coming from. But is there an English speaking Cricket forum at all ? Does it exist ? Also as you know, I see these guns as two very different animals. Both having their strong points as well as weaknesses. Which I think I have been able to point out in my comparison. But being open minded to "input" which I'll always filter through my own findings, - I think it is sad that only you and the EDgun people are bringing "inputs". It would be interesting to hear the "other side" too....... Judging from the input on this site so far, - y
ED: Why not here ? You have yourself been giving me lots of information about the Cricket and comparison with the Matador on the Talon-forum. So why not from others ? And why not here ? Unfortunately there has been very little input from the Cricket people. So why not let the Russian users dicuss here ? As long as they do it it English it could be very useful. My thread on the Talon forum is the fastest growing thread in there and soon to reach 15000 views. Apparently the subject is of great interest to a lot of people. Is there an English Kalibr forum ? I have not found one.
Again some very useful information from your side..!!! Thank you so much ! I have put some of it up on the other forum. Let us see what the reactions will be........... More pictures and information to be shared would be highly appreciated. Likewise, you are free to use my own pictures for your own purpose if you wish (no commercial use though). There are plenty more pictures to be seen in this thread. Just scroll down..... http://talonairgun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19488 Cheers from Norway.........
Thanks a million for your information !!!! That's very kind of you........ I'll try to copy it into my comparison thread on the Talon forum........ I have now updated the thread on the Talon forum with your information. Thank you again !!!
Thanks a million for your information !!!! That's very kind of you........ I'll try to copy it into my comparison thread on the Talon forum........
Good question ! And a long story...... Now I keep the two for comparison reasons and also for spareparts if needed......... Sometimes it is difficult to get them from Russia.......
I have been in Moscow a few times but never managed to learn your language...... Sad, - because after all we are neighbours......... Here's another picture of one of my R3s: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/6272fa76.jpg Enjoy ! Hehehehe...... Thanks a million. One of my favorite writers.......
Thanks my friend........! Or is it "spasiba" in Russian ???
I wrote too But what does it say ? Sorry guys, I don't speak or read Russian.......... http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/Cricket/39ad8536.jpg The rings or mounts are American made. High mounts and very solid. I think the maker is WARNE from USA.
In Norway too my friend..........
Hi guys, I thought I would let you know. I am currently doing a comparison between these two: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/Cricket/687b0606.jpg It's happening on the American Talon forum. It's a thread with lots of images. This is the link: http://talonairgun.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23876 Feel free to comment if you like......... Cheers from Oslo...
- and "Edgunitis" is a malign side order of the terrible disease "Airgunitis" for which there is no cure..... Although I feel a little better now, - having received my own Veles .22 together with my two Matador R3s (both cal.22) Merry Xmas to you all... http://www.christmasforumfare.com/smilies/smilie202.gif
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
First shotstring from new gun: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/1540635d.jpg Hammerspring needs a small adjustment......... -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
Thank you friends !!! All made in Russia according to Ed..... I shall come back later with more pictures, shotstrings etc. etc........ -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
So finally, - after some 15 months I have received my guns. 2 Matador R3 std in cal.22 and one Veles in cal.22. I am very happy: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/361cbed7.jpg Cheers from Trygve in Oslo -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
I am sorry not to have replied before !!! But yes, - you are almost correct...... No 1 is Daystate Airwolf MVT, no 6 is NOT the Evolution but the Theoben Fenman, no 9 is a one-off modified HW100. The rest is spot on......... As for my EDguns on their way to Oslo, - I am still waiting. The guns are right now in Germany, - and I shall most likely take delivery towards the end of November. I am out of the country until then and cannot receive before I get back. As soon as I have them, you may expect pictures and test results posted on this site as well as others....... I must admi -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
I am on ED's list I hope....... -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
Yes.... Unless there will be another model out before I get them..... -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
Still waiting....... More than 10 months since I paid now...... Guiness book of records ..... ???? PS: I am used to wait: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/b941a445.jpg -
Allow me a quick update: Lelya no 90 is still doing fine and delivers som remarkable results in the field with her new "glasses". Here she is with Bushnell Elite 4200 6-24x50: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/51773b9c.jpg A bit of an overkill, - but a must for lang range accuracy............
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
I am still waiting but hopefully they will arrive sometime ...... I thought I would share with you how I cope waiting for my Matadors.... As it happens, I am the lucky owner of a serious harem of nice guns. And I frequently visit my summerplace on the coast down south in Norway, where weather is the only restriction to my shooting.... Summernights are nice and light with sunset around 22hrs....: http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss44/zocoloco/Guns/6e2eddf8.jpg So yesterday I quit Oslo for a few weeks. Fed up with my loooongish waiting for ED and friends to deliver I took 11 member -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
Yes, I am still waiting........ -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
???? -
First 2 Matadors on their way to Oslo.....
zocoloco ответил на тему форума автора zocoloco в EDgun forum English
Three Matadors are correct..... And a Veles that should have been ready for shipment in March if I am not mistaken ? My question was related to the ones already paid for in September 2010. Will these now be substituted by R3s, or will you still ship the old model ? And do you have any idea about timing at all ?